Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Writer's Resource: Tips for Book Expo America

The literary world is gearing up for the annual Book Expo America conference in New York City the weekend after next. Publishers show off new and upcoming books and services, there are tons of panels, lectures, and book signings, and much networking is done.

Being eight months pregnant means a trip to New York isn't in the cards for me, but I thought it would be nice to put together a list of advice for anyone planning to attend.

First, for the nitty-gritty details everyone needs, there's the Survival Guide on the BEA official website. This includes some fairly obvious but important advice like "Wear comfortable shoes" and "Don't forget to eat."

For more targeted advice, there's Library Journal's Librarian's Guide to BEA post. The specific class/panel info is from 2013, but there's still a lot of useful information there.

Here's a recent post from the Hollywood The Write Way blog with loads of helpful advice, including what planning to do ahead of time and where to eat.

Wondering how the BEA experience is from an author perspective? This newly published author wrote about her trip last year and included some excellent advice.

And finally, this post from Ally Machate's blog spells out some reasons why even aspiring and self-published authors can get a lot out of the BEA experience.

Are you planning to attend BEA this year?

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